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Author: Database Desk

Financing Terrorism: the Role of Front Companies and Registered Charities

The trend towards increased terrorist financing through legitimate companies and registered charities presents a difficult challenge for law enforcement agencies wishing to curb the logistical infrastructure of terrorist organizations. The recent CSNZ Memo earding growing financing trends in New Zealand accurately warns of the dangers

ICT Global Terrorism Brief: Australia

On 24 July 2008 the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the New South Wales (NSW) police force raided the office of the Muslim Aid Australia (MAA) located in Lakemba, Sydney, home to a majority of Sydney’s Muslim community. During the seven-hour raid of the office

Venezuelan Ties to Hezbollah

In June of 2008 the United States government accused two Venezuelan men, both of Lebanese decent, of maintaining ties with the terrorist organization Hezbollah. This is not the first time government officials and citizens of Venezuela have been found to engage in business with militants,

ICT Global Terrorism Brief : Arrests in Bologna, Italy

The international media reported on the 9th of August, 2008 that police in Bologna say they arrested four Tunisians and a Moroccan and are seeking a sixth man. They were investigating an alleged international terrorist ring, which they say recruited suicide bombers for Iraq and

Abu Qatada – A Legal Failure?

Abu Qatada, born in 1960, is one of the most important ideologues in Al-Qa’eda. He was described by Britain’s national security court as a “truly dangerous individual” and by a Spanish judge as “Osama bin Laden’s right hand man in Europe”.(Guardian,2012) Based in the United