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Summary of Terrorist Incidents and CT Operations: October 2011

  • On 3 October 2011, a mosque in Tuba-Zangariyye, Upper Galilee, Israel was set alight in a suspected arson “price tag” attack. The attack was strongly condemned by Israeli leaders.
  • On 4 October 2011, a truck bomb exploded outside a compound that housed government buildings in Mogadishu, Somalia, killing 80 people and injuring 50 others.
  • On 11 October 2011, Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri were charged in New York, USA with taking part in a plot allegedly linked to Iran to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington.
  • On 12 October 2011, 28 people were killed and 74 wounded in a coordinated bombing attack targeting police in Baghdad, Iraq.
  • On 14 October 2011, Abu Tholut, 50, was sentenced to eight years in prison for assisting the construction of an al Qa’ida in Aceh training camp in Indonesia.
  • On 15 October 2011, it was reported that Ibrahim al-Banna, the head of the media department of AQAP and the son of Anwar al-Awlaki, were killed in a suspected US drone attack in Shabwa province, Yemen.
  • On 20 October 2011, ETA announced that it had terminated the use of arms and sought talks with Spain and France.
  • On 20 October 2011, AQIM militant Tiyib Ould Sidi Ali was killed in an air strike by the Mauritanian army.
  • On 23 October 2011, Jorge Neftali Umenza Velasco, a senior FARC leader was killed by Colombian troops in an explosion in a rural part of the Buenaventura port city in south-western Colombia.
  • On 27 October 2011 Mevlid Jasarevic, opened fire using an automatic weapon at the US Embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
  • On 27 October 2011, 36 people were killed and 78 injured in a twin bombing attack in Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Over 60 rockets and mortars were fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli communities between 29 October 2011 until the 1 November 2011, causing one fatality, three injuries and 30 people needing treatment for shock.

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