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War Games & Simulations

The goal of simulation exercises is to provide the client with a view “behind enemy lines” to identify  vulnerabilities and formulate responses

War Games

War Games typically involve two inter-acting parties simulating several given roles under strict laboratory conditions whereby the client’s decision makers are drilled in their roles against our “red team” as they simulate terrorist activities.

We utilize war games to simulate Crisis Management situations for the client. During this process, our experts take on the role of the “red team” during or after a “hostile terrorist operation,” allowing the client to “game out” their response under a variety of potential conditions.

This service is normally intended for governmental clients from the Intelligence, Law Enforcement and Homeland Security communities.

Red Teams

In addition to general war games, we also offer specific red teaming exercises to identify client weaknesses. Serving as the “red team,” our group of experts engages in a multi-step process to identify vulnerabilities to the client. Using information collected from a variety of open sources, the “red team” then explores several methods of attack, ultimately, transforming one into an operational plan.

The target selection, intelligence evaluation and planning stages are transparent to the client, who can closely observe and monitor them in order to obtain an intimate insight as to how a given terrorist organization functions in terms of its fundamental mind set, ideological and operational considerations, decision making process and the final formulation of an modus operandi.

For more information on Simulations, War Games and Red Teams:
E-mail [email protected] | Tel 972-9-9527277 | Fax 972-9-9513073 

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