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Theaters of Jihad

Northern Mali

The Cruel War in Northern Mali Rages On

With the end of both Operation Barkhane and the reduction of the UN mission, MINUSMA, Northern Mali, is at risk of yet another escalation of violence. As International troops draw back from the country, radical groups have started to fight each other. At the same

Operation Barkhane

The End of Operation Barkhane

This article reviews Operation Barkhane, the French operation to stabilize the Sahel region of Africa. In the article, the author reviews the initial operation’s motivations, activities, and eventual conclusion. In addition to these milestones, the author also reviews how Operation Barkhane, and its accompanying successes

A Match Made in Heaven: The Hezbollah-Amal Nexus

Over the past decades, Hezbollah has built a well-oiled, multi-billion-dollar illicit finance and drug-trafficking machine in Latin America that launders organized crime’s ill-gotten gains through multiple waypoints in the Western Hemisphere, West Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, generating hundreds of millions of annual revenues.

Threats on Karish

Hezbollah’s Threats on Karish Gas Drilling Rig and Israeli Natural Gas Production – a Potential for a Miscalculation That May Lead to War

Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah’s threats on Karish gas drilling rig and prevent the production and export of gas from Israel’s reservoirs if Lebanon’s demands regarding the latter’s marine border with Israel constitute a significant escalation in Hezbollah’s aggressive rhetoric and may lead to another miscalculation

The Ramifications of Tarketed Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri_2022_0808_1417 (550 x 350)

Ayman al-Zawahiri Targeted Killing Ramifications

Targeted killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri by the U.S. is a severe blow to al-Qaeda. Nevertheless, it doesn’t seem that his demise will affect al-Qaeda’s offshoots’ activity in the various jihad theatres due to their decentralized nature. Although al-Zawahiri’s pale and uncharismatic image, his contribution was articulated

The Islamic State versus the Islamic Emirate

Summary: Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in mid-August, there has been an increase in attacks byISIS – K militants targeting Taliban members. ISIS – K is based largely in eastern Nangarhar province but the group has ramped up attacks across Afghanistan since the Taliban

The Spread of Radical Islam in Africa: 2021 Summary

Summary: In their July 2021 article, Global Jihad in Africa: Risks and Challenges, the authors detailed the spread of Islamic terrorist organizations in Africa—specifically ISIS and al-Qaeda—and highlighted the challenges in contending with them. Their main conclusion was that a joint umbrella/master strategy would be

The Syrian Conundrum: Where is Saudi Arabia?

“Why Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not Part of Syrian Ceasefire Deal?” titled an article on the official RussianSputnik news agency, referring to an agreement achieved in late December in Moscow by Russia and Turkey as its co-guarantors and Iran as part of it. There

Is the War Against Boko Haram Over?

While the eyes of the world focus on Iraq and Syria to monitor the coalition forces’ progress against the Islamic State in Mosul and Al-Raqqa, the biggest democratic nation in Africa, Nigeria, records a military victory over a radical Islamic organization named Boko Haram.

Climate change contribute to Boko Haram uprising

It is obvious that Climate change favorized the survival of Boko Haram, chased from north-east Nigeria territories. The fact that the group is decentralized renders military operations, at all levels, more difficult, but feasible with adequate personnel and equipment. Merely a military approach will not

Bahrain as a Sunni-Shia Fault Line

Bahrain has been in turmoil since a 2011 uprising backed by majority Shia Muslims, supported by Iran, which demanded greater rights from the Sunni-led monarchy. The government crushed the protests with the help of its Sunni Arab Gulf allies. Sporadic violence and bomb attacks largely