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Author: ICT Staff

Iran and Hezbollah

Since Khomeini’s rise to power in 1979, Iran has maintained aspirations to lead the radical Islamic camp and continues to deepen its ties to extremist states and terrorist groups throughout the Middle East (Hizbullah in Lebanon, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in the West Bank

Iranian Support of Terrorism

Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979, Iran views terrorism as a legitimate means to further its ideological and strategic aims – to “export the Revolution.” Iran assists Islamic groups and organizations worldwide, especially in the Middle East – in striving to attack

Interviews and Op-eds of ICT’s Experts

30.7.2014Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Deutsche Welle in Polish on the Gaza war. 30.7.2014Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Deutsche Welle in Portuguese on the Gaza war. 30.7.2014Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Deutsche Welle in German on the Gaza war. 26.7.2014Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Channel 1 on the Gaza

Syria’s Chemical Weapons – The Terrorism Threat

This report is the first part of an ICT project intended to evaluate the threat of proliferation of Syrian chemical weapons to local and regional terrorist organizations and beyond. The report includes information on the status of chemical weapons in Syria and their use updated

Law & Security: Perspectives from the Field and Beyond

The conference was a joint effort of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at IDC, the Institute for National Security and Counter-Terrorism at Syracuse University, and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.  It began on June 30th with a keynote speech and a dinner, followed by two days of panels on topics

Interviews and Op-eds of ICT’s Experts

30.7.2014 Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Deutsche Welle in Polish on the Gaza war. 30.7.2014 Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Deutsche Welle in Portuguese on the Gaza war. 30.7.2014 Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon to Deutsche Welle in German on the Gaza war. 26.7.2014 Interview with Dr. Ely Karmon

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