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Tag: Jihad

Is Burkina Faso Facing Collapse?

Abstract This paper addresses the deteriorating internal security situation in Burkina Faso, attributed to escalating attacks by radical Islamic organizations across several regions. It traces the crisis’s roots to political instability following the 2014 ousting of President Blaise Compaoré and the spread of jihadist influence

Mali – The Battle of Kidal

This analysis delves into the unfolding conflict in Mali, with a particular focus on the imminent confrontation in the city of Kidal. As the Malian army, in collaboration with the ‘Wagner Force’ militia, advances toward Kidal, this study seeks to analyze the regional implications and

Expanding Influence in Mali

The Islamic State is Expanding its Areas of Influence in Mali

The Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) is expanding its influence in Mali, endangering the city of Ménaka. The Malian government’s armed forces and al-Qaeda-affiliated fighters are absent in the region. ISGS engages in combat with government forces, killing civilians and displacing settlers from

Discursive War on Terror

A Discursive War on Terror: The Case of France

When looking at terrorist groups’ narratives, one can notice that they define themselves in opposition to another group, usually the West and its values, that is declared to be the enemy. Likewise, the Western group perceives itself as diametrically opposed to “the terrorists,” which represent

Operation Barkhane

The End of Operation Barkhane

This article reviews Operation Barkhane, the French operation to stabilize the Sahel region of Africa. In the article, the author reviews the initial operation’s motivations, activities, and eventual conclusion. In addition to these milestones, the author also reviews how Operation Barkhane, and its accompanying successes

The Ramifications of Tarketed Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri_2022_0808_1417 (550 x 350)

Ayman al-Zawahiri Targeted Killing Ramifications

Targeted killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri by the U.S. is a severe blow to al-Qaeda. Nevertheless, it doesn’t seem that his demise will affect al-Qaeda’s offshoots’ activity in the various jihad theatres due to their decentralized nature. Although al-Zawahiri’s pale and uncharismatic image, his contribution was articulated

The Islamic State versus the Islamic Emirate

Summary: Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in mid-August, there has been an increase in attacks byISIS – K militants targeting Taliban members. ISIS – K is based largely in eastern Nangarhar province but the group has ramped up attacks across Afghanistan since the Taliban

The Dead Drops of Online Terrorism

Summary: With the proliferation, spread, and impact of violent extremist and terrorist content on the Internet and social media, governments, and security agencies have increased their countermeasures online. In response, terrorists and violent extremists have similarly altered their behavior by changing tactics and migrating to

The Spread of Radical Islam in Africa: 2021 Summary

Summary: In their July 2021 article, Global Jihad in Africa: Risks and Challenges, the authors detailed the spread of Islamic terrorist organizations in Africa—specifically ISIS and al-Qaeda—and highlighted the challenges in contending with them. Their main conclusion was that a joint umbrella/master strategy would be