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Author: Raman, B.

Looming Jihadi Anarchy in Pakistan

There has been an increasingly disturbing challenge to the authority of Pakistan’s President, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, from jihadis inspired by the Neo Taliban and Al Qaeda, who are actively supported by a group of retired officers of the Army and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).  

Threat to Beijing Olympics from Uighurs

While considerable focus would be on terrorism-related scenarios likely to arise from foreign terrorists, likely scenarios from domestic disgruntled elements should be given adequate attention. Among these one could mention the Uighur jihadi terrorists who have close links with Al Qaeda and the International Islamic

Special Services Group & Pak-Sponsored Terrorism

Pakistani Special Service Group (SSG) officers, serving and retired, have gravitated to the world of terrorism. New evidence suggests that elements of both the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the SSG are facilitating knowledge of commando-style operations among Pakistan’s jihadi arena.  First Published in the

Israel’s Continuing Ordeal

It has to follow a policy of instant and forceful retaliation against terrorists and States such as Iran and Syria using terrorism as a weapon to make its population bleed. Israel has to retaliate instantly or perish.   First published in INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM MONITOR–PAPER NO.94 

Jihadis Target Denmark

The Danish police announced on September 5, 2006, the arrest of nine suspected terrorists, during overnight raids in Odense, Denmark’s third largest city. Ms. Lene Espersen, the local Justice Minister, said it was likely they were planning an attack in Denmark. The men had been

The Raging Jihad

While there is nothing unusual about bin Laden’s periodic long spells of silence, the silence of Zawahiri is unusual. He never misses an opportunity to taunt the US over its botched-up operations. His silence on the botched-up raid on a madrasa in the Bajaur agency

Al Qaeda’s Threat to the UK

While the pro-Al Qaeda jihadi terrorist elements have the capability to strike in many West European countries, a study of their propaganda and PSYWAR would underline the UK, Denmark and the Vatican as areas of particular concern during the current Christmas/New Year holiday season.

Al Qaeda’s Attempt to blow up Plane over US

Commentary on the terrorist attempt on by a Nigerian member of Al Qaeda to cause an explosion in a plane of the US North-West Airlines flying from Amsterdam to Detroit on December 25, 2009. Paper first published in the International Terrorism Monitor—Paper No.595

Situation in Iranian Balochistan: An Update

While the anti-Shia elements in Balochistan are in a position to indulge in sporadic acts of terrorism, they are not yet in a position to organise a sustained insurgency, which could endanger the Iranian position in the province.

China Courts Turkey

China, whose relations with Turkey went through a period of tension last year following the Turkish condemnation of the atrocities allegedly perpetrated by the Chinese on the Uighurs in Chinese-controlled Xinjiang in July , has undertaken measures to repair the relations and seek Turkey’s support

2010: A Mixed Year for Al-Qaeda and Associates

2010 was a mixed year for Al Qaeda and its associates in terror. They continued to succeed in causing death and destruction in countries where they are based—-whether in the Af-Pak region, Yemen, Somalia or North Africa— but faced one failure after another in their

Arrest of Abu Jindal: What Next?

Shri P. Chidambaram, the Home Minister of the Government of India, has been quoted as saying on June 25, 2012, as follows: “Abu Jindal has been apprehended and remanded to custody of law enforcement agencies.” First published in the International Terrorism Monitor — Paper No.

Pakistan: A Leadership Vacuum

Pervez Musharraf has been reduced to being a figurehead, who manages to survive in office not because the people and the National Assembly want him to continue, but because the US wants him to continue—- out of gratitude for what he had done for the US

Indianisation of Pan-Islamic Jihad

Fifteen innocent civilians are reported to have been killed and over 100 injured in 15 serial blasts which struck Ahmedabad in the State of Gujrat on the evening of July 26,2008. This is the third State ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to be

Al Qaeda and India – An Update

 In response to my article titled “The Indianisation of Pan-Islamic Jihad”, I have received a number of queries from readers asking about the impact of Al Qaeda on the Indian Muslim community and its implications. This article, which is in response, is an update of

Pre-Olympics Jihadi Terrorist Strike in Xinjiang

Sixteen border police guards of China’s Ministry of Public Security were killed and  16 others injured when two unidentified terrorists, who came in a truck, jumped out of it outside  their barracks compound near Kashgar(Chinese name Kashi) in the Xinjiang province at 8 AM on

US-Pakistan Top Secret Military Talks

The “New York Times” reported as follows on August 28,2008: “Top US and Pakistani army commanders had a highly unusual secret meeting on board an American aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean to discuss how to combat the escalating violence along the border between Afghanistan

Pakistan Detains LET’s Khalid Sheikh Mohammad?

Pakistani media and some foreign news agencies, including the Associated Press, reported on December 8, 2008, that helicopter-borne Pakistani security forces raided a camp of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) located at a place called Shawai, on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK),