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Author: Guiora, Amos N. (Prof.)

Legal Aspects of ‘Operation Cast Lead’ in Gaza

Prof. Amos Guiora of the University of Utah College of Law says that while self-defense (in the classic model) is the legal basis for Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead” against Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces’ re-articulation of proportionality and collateral damage in that context is a

Legal Aspects of ‘Operation Cast Lead’ in Gaza

Prof. Amos Guiora of the University of Utah College of Law says that while self-defense (in the classic model) is the legal basis for Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead” against Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces’ re-articulation of proportionality and collateral damage in that context is a

Legal Aspects of ‘Operation Cast Lead’ in Gaza

Prof. Amos Guiora of the University of Utah College of Law says that while self-defense (in the classic model) is the legal basis for Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead” against Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces’ re-articulation of proportionality and collateral damage in that context is a

For Israel, the safety of its own people must come first

War is terrible. It causes undue suffering and death to many. It has lasting impact on its victims. It must not–under any circumstances–be conducted in vain. Human life is too valuable. There are, however, just wars predicated on self-defense, such as Israel’s war on Hamas.