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Author: Liv, Nadine

IS-Supporting Hacktivists in Southeast Asia

Download the full article Key Findings   There is a growing trend of hacktivism activities in Southeast Asia, including Web site defacement, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and information leaks. One group that operates using this strategy is the United Cyber Caliphate (UCC) collective, which operates

United Cyber Caliphate

Electronic jihad refers to two aspects. The first is operative, and deals with incitement and encouragement for the idea ofjihad, such as propaganda, financing and media. The second is technical, and deals with cyberattacks and cyber defense.

Crime Prediction Technologies

Download the full article   The term “pre-crime” was coined in the film “Minority Report”, in which a criminal event that has not yet occurred is predicted, and a special police unit called “pre-crime” places the would-be offender in preventive detention in order to prevent

Jihadists Use of Virtual Currency 2

In January 2018, the ICT published a document reviewing the use of virtual currency by jihadists. A year later, we re-examined the developments that took place in this arena in the test cases described in the 2018 document, and we documented additional cases that occurred

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