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Author: Levitt, Matthew (Dr.)

Hamas: Toward a Lebanese-Style War of Attrition?

Lebanon may well have come to the West Bank and Gaza. Over the past year and a half, Hamas has adopted traditional Hizballah guerilla tactics such as roadside bombings, short-range rocket and mortar launchings, using squads of terrorists from a variety of groups, and videotaping

Designating the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

Responding to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ latest suicide bombing — which threatened to undermine the third straight peace mission of Middle East envoy Gen. Anthony Zinni — the State Department broke with tradition and announced the group’s pending designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO),

The Network of Terrorist Financing

Reprinted with permission from PolicyWatch, #646 August 6, 2002, Analysis of Near East policy from the scholars and associates of The Washington Institute. The following is an edited version of Matthew Levitt’s testimony before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on International Finance, Committee on Banking, Housing

The Political Economy of Middle East Terrorism

The aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and the subsequent American war against terrorism have focused attention on the financing of terrorist movements and operations. The lines of political influence follow those of economic assistance. Reprinted from the MIDDLE EAST

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