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Periodical Review: Summary from the Jihadi Forums – The Second Half of April 2012

This report summarizes the most prominent events brought up in the Jihadi online forums in the second half of April 2012. Following are the main issues raised in this report:

• The leader of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) calls on the Algerian people to boycott the coming elections in Algeria.
• AQIM threatens to attack Britain following its decision to extradite Abu Qatada Al-Filastini to Jordan.
• The Front for the Defense of the Syrian People steps up terrorist activity against Syrian government forces.
• Abd Al-Ghnai Jawhar, an explosives expert for Fath Al-Islam, is killed in Syria.
• Senior Salafi-jihadists in Egypt increase their propagandizing in Tahrir Square.
• A new series on preparing poisonous substances is published.
• Fursan Al-Balagh, a new jihadist media outlet, appears.

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