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Periodical Review: Summary from the Jihadi Forums – The First Half of March 2013

This report summarizes notable events discussed on jihadist Web forums during the First Half of March 2013. Following are the main points covered in the report:

• The tenth issue of Inspire, an English-language jihadist magazine published by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), appears, along with a pocket book of advice for the lone wolf attacker on choice targets of attack in the West.
• A senior leader of Al-Qaeda advises mujahideen how to keep themselves safe while traveling to arenas of jihad.
• A prominent contributor to jihadist Web forums suggests exploiting the increasing tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the Arab Spring, to incite popular protests against the Saudi regime.
• AQAP clarifies attempts by Islamist scholars in Yemen to negotiate a cease-fire between mujahideen and the regime.
• AQAP’s Military Council asked that requests for guidance and instruction not be made through the Internet, for security reasons.
• Ansar Al-Muslimeen fi Bilad Al-Sudan announced the death of the seven Christian hostages it had abducted on February 17, 2013 – the result of failed joint British and Nigerian rescue mission.

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