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“The Terrorism Industry”: An Al-Qaeda Course in Security and Intelligence – Part Four

This is the fourth segment in the series “The Terrorism Industry” by Sheikh Abu Ubaydah Abdallah al-Adam, who was until his death a prominent leader of Al-Qaeda responsible for its intelligence and security operations. The series was published by the Al-Fajr Media Institution, which is responsible for disseminating the written, audio and visual materials of Al-Qaeda and its affiliates.

Continuation –General Security Principles; Ways of Breaching [the Group]

The Eighth Principle: Do not be a Prisoner of Routine

Most people become accustomed to fixed behavior patterns during the course of their lives in terms of clothing, food, travel and other areas in which one carries out set behaviors without even noticing. A jihad fighter following God’s path must rid himself of such habits and avoid adopting fixed behavior patterns, such as patronizing the same coffee shop or traveling a set route to work, since routine is a fighter’s worst enemy and is liable to put him at risk. Intelligence agencies often use fighters’ routine behaviors and weak points to gain access to them and cause them harm. Therefore, it is important to frequently change one’s habits. Intelligence agencies even try to recruit people who are close to jihad fighters in order to study their habits, and then use the information to attack them and extract information during their interrogations.

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