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Periodical Review: Summary from the Jihadi Forums – The Second Half of February 2012

This report summarizes the most prominent events brought up in the Jihadi online forums in the second half of February 2012. Following are the main issues raised in this report:

• A new video clip was issued, in which Ayman Al-Zawahiri calls for the revolution in Egypt to continue until the representatives of the previous regime have been eliminated, ties to the US have been severed, and the peace treaty with Israel has been nullified.
• The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan encouraged Afghans serving proximate to Western security forces to attack them, and cited the Afghani chef who poisoned American soldiers as an example.
• Propaganda has increased against the Syrian regime, as have appeals to assist the Syrian people in their struggle against the regime.
• Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) took responsibility for an attack on the presidential palace in Yemen on the eve of the transfer of power from Yemen’s former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to its former vice president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
• Two new jihadist media institutions have been established: Al-Tahadi, and Inform Foundation for Media Production.
• A new jihadist Web forum called Al-Qital has been established.

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