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Periodical Review December 2009 – No. 1

This report summarizes the most prominent events posted on the Jihadi online forums in the second half of November 2009. Among the central topics appearing in this issue are:

• New issues of the Jihadi magazines “Al-Mushtaqun Ila Al-Jannah” and “Al- Somood”
• A 36 page manual on wireless devices and their use
• Links to a virtual course on the operation of light weapons
• A discussion on the subject of the sources of financing the Taliban
• Photographs of American military bases in the Arabian Peninsula
• Reports of the kidnapping of four Spanish tourists in Mauritania
• “Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen” in Somalia calls upon all the Muslims worldwide to stand alongside the movement and come to Somalia
• Jihadi forums published an announcement supporting the terrorist attack carried out by Nidal Malik Hassan at the military base in Texas • Calls against Belgium

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