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Periodical Review August 2010 – No. 2

This report summarizes the most prominent events raised in the Jihadi online forums in the first half of August 2010. The report contains the following main issues:

• Ayman Al-Zawahiri releases a third audio tape over the past month
• The no. 2 man in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula publishes a strategic action plan for bringing down the Saudi royal family
• Global Jihad organizations turn to the Muslim public for donations
• A publication by the “Al-Fajr” media institute about how to recruit activists to Al-Qaeda
• Three months after the killing of Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid, notice of his replacement has not yet been published
• An increase in terrorist attacks in Iraq
• The leadership of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb threatens France
• The “Abdullah Azzam Brigades” claim responsibility for the terrorist attack against a Japanese tanker at the Strait of Hormuz
• The Lebanese “Fatah Al-Islam” organization announces the death of its leader
• Explanations of how to attack western vessels, and calls to carry out terrorist attacks in the heart of Europe
• Why has the “Al-Faloja” forum been closed down?

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