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Global Jihad: Summary from Arabic Sources – The First Half of May 2011

This report summarizes the most prominent articles on the subject of global Jihad published in the media in the Arabic language in the first half of May 2011. Following are the main issues raised in this report:

• Protests in the Muslim world over the killing of Bin Laden. Retaliation is promised in an opinion paper from the organization’s affiliates in Somalia, Iraq, the Maghreb and the Arabian Peninsula.
• The Taliban in Afghanistan executes a wave of terrorist attacks as part of the “spring offensive”, and promises escalation. According to the organization, the attack was planned even before Bin Laden’s death.
• Three suspects arrested for planning a terrorist attack in Germany.
• The New York security forces arrested two suspects who planned to carry out a terrorist attack against synagogues in the city and against the Empire State Building.

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