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Global Jihad: Summary from Arabic Sources – The Second Half of April 2011

This report summarizes the most prominent articles on the subject of global Jihad published in the media in the Arabic language in the second half of April 2011. Following are the main issues raised in this report:

• A wave of attacks in Iraq against security forces, combined with the continuation of showcase attacks. An attack using two car bombs in a secure road at the entrance to the Green Zone in Baghdad.
• The Jordanian Salafist movement confronts the regime in Zarka’a, in order to drag the Palestinian refugees there into a confrontation. Experts attempt to ease fears by stating that the movement’s strength in Jordan is limited.
• Activists from various Salafist organizations in the Gaza Strip killed an Italian hostage within hours after his kidnapping. Confrontations ensued between the Hamas government and Salafist organizations.
• Fears in the Maghreb from Libyan weapons finding their way into Al-Qaeda’s hands.
• The Al-Qaeda organization established a new base in Mali to perpetrate high profile attacks in neighboring Mauritania.
• A new video by Al-Zawahiri was published, in which he called upon the Arab Armies to join the rebels in Libya in order to prevent NATO’s intervention.

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