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The Focal Point of Activity of the Concept of Global Jihad in Nazareth

There are accumulating indications to the fact that Sheikh Nazem Abu Eslim (called Abu Osama Al-Nasseri), the Imam of the Shihab Al-Din Mosque in Nazareth, and heading the “Jama’at Ansar Allah – Bayt Al-Maqdis – Al-Nasira” organization (“The Supporters of Allah Group – Jerusalem/Palestine – Nazareth”), tightens its affinity with the idea of global Jihad.

Following the assassination of the Al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq on April 18th 2010, a prayer for the elevation of their souls took place at the Shihab Al-Din Mosque in Nazareth, with the participation of hundreds of worshipers. The reporting on the prayer was published on Sheikh Nazem Abu Eslim’s website, operating from Nazareth, which has obvious characteristics of global Jihad, simultaneously with leading Jihadi forums.

From an analysis of the contents on the website, it seems the organization and the Sheikh deal in “Da’awa activity” whose purpose is, apparently, to bring people closer to the idea of global Jihad and the radical Islamic organizations. This, by emphasizing radical ideology and praising Jihadi activity, such as the prayer conducted following the elimination of the Al-Qaeda leadership in Iraq.

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