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Periodical Review: Summary from the Jihadi Forums – The Second Half of July 2011

This report summarizes the most prominent events discussed in the Jihadi online forums in the second half of July 2011. Following are the main points covered in this report:

• Ayman Al-Zawahiri publishes his first tape since being appointed as Al- Qaeda’s leader.
• The Emir of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula swears allegiance to Al- Zawahiri.
• The Military Commander of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula threatens to move the campaign to Saudi Arabia.
• Al-Qaeda’s future strategy was published in sections by “Asad Al-Jihad2”.
• Will a new Al-Qaeda branch be founded in the near future in the Al-Sham region?
• The Jihadi forums enlist support for the uprisings in Syria.

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