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Global Jihad: Summary from Arabic Sources – The First Half of June 2011

This report summarizes the most prominent articles on the subject of global Jihad published in the Arabic media in the first half of June 2011. Following are the main issues raised in this report:

• A speech given by Ayman Al-Zawahiri in which he eulogized Bin Laden, promised revenge, swore allegiance to Mullah Omar, and encouraged the protests in the Arab world.
• The waves of terrorism besieging Iraq and Pakistan continue.
• The armed confrontations between armed Al-Qaeda operatives and the Yemeni army continue in the Abyan Province, declared by Al-Qaeda to be an Islamic emirate.
• Efforts in North Africa to eradicate Al-Qaeda’s activity in the Sahel region, following reports of weapons leaking out of the chaos in Libya.

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