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Global Jihad: Summary from Arabic Sources – The First Half of July 2011

This report summarizes the most prominent articles on the subject of global Jihad published in the Arabic media in the first half of July 2011. Following are the main issues raised in this report:

• 25 casualties in a triple terrorist attack in India.
• Many terrorist attacks all over Iraq claim the lives of many civilians. The Arab press reports on an escalation in the state of security in Iraq and the increase in terrorist attacks around the country. The report is backed by quantitative data.
• The Yemeni army suffers defeat against Al-Qaeda armed operatives who expelled its forces from a stadium serving as a large supply warehouse. The remnants of the defeated army fled to Aden, 50 soldiers are missing.
• An Al-Qaeda terrorist attack against the Mauritanian army in retaliation to the military operation deep in Mali territory at the end of the previous month. The Al-Jazeera network’s website analyzes Mauritania’s motives in its war against the organization.

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