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Summary of Terrorist Incidents and CT Operations: September 2014

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The ICT Database Team is pleased to present a brief overview of the terrorist incidents and counter-terrorist actions that occurred worldwide in September 2014. The incidents covered in this month’s report join the over 35,000 previously-recorded terrorist and counter-terrorist incidents in the ICT database.

This month’s report covers terrorist incidents throughout the world, with special emphasis in Asia, specifically when on September 4, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri announced in a 55-minute video posted online, the formation of its new branch, Al-Qaeda in South Asia. Al-Zawahiri also pledged renewed loyalty to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar.

Following this, on September 16, the group claimed responsibility for attempting to hijack a Pakistani Navy frigate, the PNS Zulfiquar, in the Arabian Sea. September 2014 was also marked by terrorist incidents in Afghanistan, Algeria, China, Iraq, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, and Syria

This month’s report also covers counter-terrorist incidents throughout the world, with particular emphasis on events in North Africa, particularly in Somalia, where on September 1, Al-Shabab Al-Mujihdeen leader Ahmed Abdi Godane was killed in a US airstrike.

On 5 September, Godane’s death was officially confirmed by the group and Ahmad Umar was named the new leader. September 2014 was also marked by counter-terrorist incidents in Australia, Belgium, China, France, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Israel and the West Bank, Kosovo, Lebanon, Mali, Melilla, Morocco, Netherlands, North America, Pakistan, Spain, Uganda, United Kingdom and Yemen.

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