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Summary of Terrorist Incidents and Counter-Terrorist Operations Worldwide November 2015

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The ICT Database Team is pleased to present a brief overview of the terrorist incidents and counter-terrorist actions that occurred worldwide in November 2015. The incidents covered in this month’s report join the over 35,000 previously-recorded terrorist and counter-terrorist incidents in the ICT database.

This month’s report covers terrorist incidents throughout the world, with special emphasis in Europe specifically in France. On November 13, IS gunmen carried out a sophisticated coordinated attack at seven locations in Paris, killing 129 people and injuring more than 350 others. At least seven terrorists were involved in the attack, which included mass shooting, hostage takings, and suicide attacks- which were the first ones ever on French soil.

Some of the attackers had ties to Belgium, where authorities believe some of the operational planning took place. In response to the attack, a wide-scale manhunt was launched for Salah Abdeslam, one of the drivers and perpetrators of the attack- he remains at large.

Counter-terrorist raids also took place in Belgium, France, Germany and Turkey, resulting in the arrests of.  In total 168 raids were conducted in France resulting in 23 arrests and 31 weapons seized. Additionally, 104 people were placed under house arrest. On November 22, authorities conducted 22 counter-terrorist raids in Brussels and Charleroi, Belgium, culminating in the arrests of 16 people. The government also placed an unprecedented security lockdown on Brussels, which involved the closure of shops, schools, public transportation.

The French military, supported by US led coalition forces also intensified airstrikes targeting IS strongholds in Raqqa, Syria in response to the attacks. November 2015 was also marked by terrorist incidents in Afghanistan, Chad, Egypt, Kenya, Iraq, Israel and the West Bank, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria and Turkey.

This month’s report covers counter- terrorist incidents throughout the world, with special emphasis in the Middle-East specifically Syria. On November 13, the US-conducted airstrike over Raqqa killed IS militant Mohammed Emwazi, alias “Jihadi John”.  He has appeared on the majority of IS videos showing the beheading hostages held in Syria by the IS. 

The US military said the strike targeted and destroyed a vehicle that they were reasonably certain that Emwazi, and a second militant, who was also killed, were travelling in. November 2015 was also marked by counter-terrorist incidents in: Afghanistan, Belgium, France, Israel and the West Bank, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, North America, Turkey, and the UK.

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