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Prof. Moran Yarchi

Prof. Moran Yarchi is a Senior Lecturer at the Sammy Ofer School of Communications, and the Head of the Public Diplomacy program, at Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel. Her main fields of research are political communication, public diplomacy, media coverage of conflicts and terrorism, and election campaigns on social media. Integrating theories from communication studies, political science and international relations, Moran’s studies investigates the ability of political actors to promote their messages’ through the media.

Prof. Yarchi’s studies granted her with various awards and scholarships including: Nina Wain’s Prize for public and international communication for 2012; the Inbar fund scholarship for 2013; the Hecht Prize for 2012-3; The ICA’s annual conference Mass Communication Division’s top paper award 2014; and the NCA’s annual conference Mass Communication Division’s top paper award 2015.