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Col. (Res.) Eyal Dykan

Col. (Res.) Eyal Dykan is a Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University.

He served in the Israeli Defense Forces for more than 25 years in special operations and intelligence units. Among his positions, Col. Dykan served as a Commander in the Intelligence Corps in the Central and Southern Command, Deputy Commander of the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Unit, and Commander of the Psychological Warfare Unit in the Intelligence Directorate. In addition, he acted as Senior Communicator of the Negotiation Team of the General Command of the IDF.

Today, alongside serving as a Fellow at ICT, Col. (Res.) Dykan is the Co-Founder and President of ActiveFence – a venture-backed software company that aims to eliminate malicious activity and hate from the web.

Dykan is fluent in English, Hebrew, and Arabic and graduated from Bar Ilan University (BA in Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science and MA in Law). He is a graduate of Harvard University Negotiation Programs and of the Metropolitan Police Academy in London, UK and has collaborated with law enforcement agencies across the globe.