Daesh Archives - ICT https://ict.org.il/tag/daesh/ International Institute for Counter-Terrorism Sat, 15 Jul 2023 15:56:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Media Jihad Campaign: The Islamic State’s Response to Deplatforming https://ict.org.il/media-jihad-campaign-islamic-state-repsonse-to-deplatforming/ Sat, 15 Jul 2023 15:56:06 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=16298 The article examines the recent media jihad campaign “Supporting Ribat and Jihad” conducted by the...

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The article examines the recent media jihad campaign “Supporting Ribat and Jihad” conducted by the Islamic State and its online supporters, focusing on the concept of media jihad and its significance in response to deplatforming efforts. The article also explores the Islamic State’s transition from centralized to decentralized media, which on one hand, has enabled the organization to sustain a strong online presence, posing challenges for security agencies in countering terrorist activities on the internet.  On the other hand, it serves as an indication of the survival mode the Islamic State finds itself in within the physical realm. The article emphasizes the importance of media jihad in the Islamic State’s overall strategy and its role in maintaining the group’s overall visibility and influence.

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Processes and Trends of Global Jihad on the African Continent https://ict.org.il/jiha-on-the-african-continent/ Thu, 29 Dec 2022 08:10:52 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=16115 On May 11th, 2022, the anti-IS international coalition addressed the jihadi organizations’ expanding footprint in...

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On May 11th, 2022, the anti-IS international coalition addressed the jihadi organizations’ expanding footprint in Africa as a growing threat to world security. As a rule, the presence of jihad on the African continent has been on the rise since the early 2000s. It grew thanks to basic African characteristics such as lack of governability, problematic political culture, corruption, and weak socio-economic position. The strategy employed by global jihadi organizations in Africa includes Dawah activity alongside enforcement of Sharia law on the local population in regions that lack state security forces presence and therefore are at the mercy of the terrorist organizations. With this state of affairs, the territorial and ideologic spread of the terrorist organizations without a massive counter effort is almost unavoidable.

Global jihadi organizations managed to leverage the violent conflicts in Africa and direct them to serve their immediate and long-term goals. Africa experienced 25 state-based armed conflicts in 2019 – the highest in the continent since 1946[1]. Of the above, more than a third had IS and al-Qaeda identified groups involvement that was responsible for 56% of the violence against civilians in that year[2].

There are a few major marks that make up a central layer in understanding the development of global jihadism in Africa: the formation of AQIM in 2006, the Boko Haram pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda without having been formally accepted to the latter, the eruption of the Arab Spring in 2011, the collapse of Libya in 2011, al-Shabbab joining al-Qaeda in 2012, al-Qaeda and allies taking over northern Mali in 2012 and the French military involvement in 2013, the Egyptian coup in 2013 when the military deposed Moursi. Having said that, it seems that the most significant change began in 2014 when IS entered Africa, which caused a major expansion of terrorism in the continent as well as terrorist activities emanating from the violent IS-al-Qaeda rivalry and competition for territories, resources, and influence.

Timeline: Global Jihadism Development in Africa

Among global jihadi organizations, one can observe two trends that typify their African activity: (i) the search for territories: al-Qaeda and IS, whose vision is the formation of an Islamic Caliphate have found themselves, after their losses in the middle east (Iraq and Syria) and Asia, in a complex operational reality that requires them to focus on terrorism and guerilla warfare and constantly search for territories to establish themselves in. It is clear that when an opportunity to physically take over a territory presents itself, they will not hesitate to take it (especially IS) and Africa provides ample such opportunities. These days, al-Qaeda and IS control territories in Somalia, Nigeria (north east Nigeria and Lake Chad regions), Mali and Mozambique (Cabo Delgado district) and subjected the local population; (ii) the treatment of the local population: whereas al-Qaeda takes a pragmatic stand and tends to collaborate with the locals based on common interests IS takes an extreme and brutal approach and demands full compliance with Sharia law from the local population – a refusal is met with harsh punishment and violence.

The counter-terrorism activity led by the west (mostly France which is currently being phased out by Germany) together with the state militaries of the continent who are being affected by the phenomenon, has a significant influence on the terrorist organizations modus operandi in the continent. For example, al-Qaeda who used to perpetrate complex attacks on western targets changed its modus operandi to low intensity attacks on security forces (be it local. Regional or international).

The war on global jihad in Africa is becoming more complex these days for multiple reasons, such as the Domino Effect causing internal conflicts to spill over to neighboring countries, lack of cooperation among member states in the joint task forces due to narrow state interests, and more. Alongside that, changes in the western powers that are active in Africa’s strategy are taking place and emanate inter alia from the reduction of French military presence, increased Russian presence and caliber due to Wagner Force’s involvement, multiple organizations, and their online activity, the willingness to start a dialogue with the latter and more. It should be noted the involvement of the international community fluctuates, sometimes significantly, which leaves many countries alone and ill-equipped in the fight against terrorism and leads in many cases to negotiations with the terrorists and an acceptance of Sharia law in the territories under their control (e.g., in Mali).

[1] Thérèse Pettersson & Magnus O’berg, “Organized violence, 1989–2019,” Journal of Peace Research Vol. 57(4), 2020, pp. 597–613. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0022343320934986

[2] Ibid

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The Cruel War in Northern Mali Rages On https://ict.org.il/cruel-war-in-northern-mali-rages-on/ Mon, 28 Nov 2022 12:15:23 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=16081 With the end of both Operation Barkhane and the reduction of the UN mission, MINUSMA,...

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With the end of both Operation Barkhane and the reduction of the UN mission, MINUSMA, Northern Mali, is at risk of yet another escalation of violence. As International troops draw back from the country, radical groups have started to fight each other. At the same time, the Malian government, now at its second overthrow in two years, can do very little except rally the Tuareg youths to take arms against these groups.
In this complex and fluid situation, the radical groups that can be traced back to larger entities, such as IS and AQ, are not the only pivotal players in the region. There has been speculation that the Wagner Group is also present in Northern Mali. The great interest that Western countries, France in the first place, showed, and now Russia shows is directly linked to the vast amount of natural resources that the Sahel country possesses. 

A new trend is emerging, mainly as a result of the drawdown of western forces, that can deploy assets, equipment, and training far from those of the African countries like Mali and Niger; this trend, somehow already seen with the Tuareg appeal, is that of forming alliances between government entities and non-state actors, and even of starting talks with jihadists groups. This pivotal shift finds its main motives in diminishing attention to the Sahel region in light of the Ukrainian Invasion and the fact that African countries alone do not possess the capabilities required to quash insurgencies with groups like IS and AQ with their experience and current capabilities.

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The Islamic State versus the Islamic Emirate https://ict.org.il/islamic-state-versus-islamic-emirate/ Sun, 31 Oct 2021 15:13:00 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=14612 Summary: Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in mid-August, there has been an increase in...

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Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in mid-August, there has been an increase in attacks by
ISIS – K militants targeting Taliban members. ISIS – K is based largely in eastern Nangarhar province but the group has ramped up attacks across Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover. The rise in violence has raised the specter of a wider conflict between the two extremist groups.

ISIS – K will likely attempt to take advantage of the political instability and lack of counterterrorism
efforts following the U.S. withdrawal to challenge Taliban control. The potency of the ISIS threat is
undeniable and its immediate aim is to destabilize the Taliban and shatter the group’s image as a guardian of security. ISIS -K’s terror campaign in Afghanistan could be a clear indication that they are sending a message to the international community that they are far from being defeated, and that they are willing to further expand their footprint across Afghanistan.

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Supporters of the Islamic State Campaign for the Holidays: Encouraging Lone-Wolf Attacks in the West https://ict.org.il/islamic-state-supporters-incitement-campaign-in-the-west-during-holidays/ Mon, 27 Dec 2021 06:57:00 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=14672 Summary Throughout the latter quarter of 2021, online supporters of the Islamic State engaged in...

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Throughout the latter quarter of 2021, online supporters of the Islamic State engaged in a campaign of incitement, calling on individuals to plan and execute individual-initiative (lone-wolf) attacks against western targets. While the campaign called for individual-initiative attacks in many western countries, supporters of ISIS emphasized incitement of attacks in the France and the United States. The actors continued this rhetoric throughout the latter part of the year, calling on supporters to take “revenge on the west during the holidays.”

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The Killing of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi: An Initial Assessment https://ict.org.il/death-of-isis-leader-first-look-analysis/ Sat, 05 Feb 2022 06:05:00 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=14665 Download

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Initial Insights Following the Elimination of Ibrahim al-Quraishi https://ict.org.il/first-insights-on-targeted-killing-of-isis-leader/ https://ict.org.il/first-insights-on-targeted-killing-of-isis-leader/#respond Wed, 16 Feb 2022 11:31:48 +0000 https://ict.org.il/?p=14576 Summary On 3 February 2022, the US president announced that the US has killed Ibrahim...

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On 3 February 2022, the US president announced that the US has killed Ibrahim al-Quraishi, ISIS leader. The operation was executed by US special forces in Idlib in northwestern Syria. This elimination provides the Biden administration with an impressive achievement in the war on terror and bolsters his stature, especially in light of the approaching mid-term elections. The elimination also dealt a major blow to ISIS’ members’ morale as their “caliphate” is caliph-less. With that said, the elimination raises a few questions, the first of which pertains to al-Quraishi’s hideout in Idlib.

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