Groppi, Michele, Author at ICT International Institute for Counter-Terrorism Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:00:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Oh my beloved Italy, please wake up! Tue, 10 Feb 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Even Italy, a country that has historically been fairly immune to the phenomenon, is now...

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First published in the Jerusalem Post

As the bloody events of Madrid, London and Paris suggest, Europe should refrain from ignoring or dealing superficially with the question of Muslim radicalization. Even Italy, a country that has historically been fairly immune to the phenomenon, is now starting to realize the real potential threat stemming from the radicalization of its Muslim community. Yet, this topic remains a taboo for most Italians. Sadly, a certain degree of indifference, ignorance, and even reluctance on the part of both the Italian public and the political elite have hindered a much needed debate on the issue.

But burying one’s head under the sand does not always turn out to be beneficial, especially when the wind starts blowing in the opposite direction.

And a 516-page report that I began as a student at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) on the radicalization of the Italian Muslim community – which will be published soon – shows that the wind is indeed changing.

The main point of the report is that certain segments of the Muslim community are undergoing a process of radicalization, unavoidably posing serious concerns for national security. Luckily, most of the time the radicalism remains at the mere rhetorical level, but in other instances it inevitably clashes with the democratic fabric of society, undermining prospects of successful integration and peaceful coexistence.

More precisely, for years various imams and religious authorities have preached anti-Western sentiment, religious intolerance and even support for violence and terrorism. For years a number of mosques have been engaged in proselytism, recruitment, and funding of Islamic terrorism. For years Italy has exported fighters to theaters of jihad – Syria is but the most recent example on a long list.

More shockingly, though, jihadists have attempted to strike the country 20 times since 2001, but only once, in 2009, was an attack successfully carried out (in Milan), although it caused no casualties.

A CLEAR sign that the times are changing is also the rise of Muslim anti-Semitism. In Italy, five out of the six main Shi’ite organizations have clearly and unabashedly showed their anti-Semitic ideology.

Luigi Ammar de Martino, one of the most influential Shi’ite leaders in the country, has even called for active struggle against Israel. In the Sunni world, two of the most important leaders – namely Hazma Piccardo and Adel Smith – two of the most renowned Koranic schools in Italy, and a number of imams have all promoted hatred against the Jews and Israel. Likewise, a terrorist organization gravitating around Andria’s Islamic center in southern Italy had its members teaching children admiration for Hitler because “if he had burned them all, the world would be a much better place.”

Although his real intentions are still the subject of debate, Khatib Shafiq, a Jordanian citizen who claimed to be Palestinian, detonated himself in front of the synagogue in Modena in 2003. Nine years later, Mohammed Jarmoune, a seemingly well-integrated young Moroccan man raised in Italy, was arrested for planning attacks on a synagogue in Milan. Finally, a year ago, a French-Tunisian citizen involved in a terrorist attack on a kosher market in Paris was arrested in Ancona, suspected to be seeking logistical help from local radicals.

Given such troubling evidence, passivity may be a risky tactic. Do we really need another Madrid, London or Paris in the streets of Rome and Milan to wake up? We just commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27; do we really need to see Italian Jews fleeing to Israel because they do not feel safe anymore, just like many French Jews are doing? Let us be clear, though. What I am suggesting is not by any means a radical approach triggered by futile alarmism or despicable hatred and prejudice toward Muslims. That would be the most outrageous and shameful course of action my country could undertake. What I am advocating for is the establishment of an internal debate on issues of Muslim radicalization and a frank but constructive dialogue with the Muslim community, in particular with those Muslims who want nothing more but peace and security for all.

Such a process is not going to be simple and flawless, but we must have the courage to come out of our shells and talk, especially now that we have the opportunity to do so in a relatively calm environment.

Instead, if we opt for the typical “let’s deal with that when we must” Italian way, then days, months or years from now we might realize missed opportunities have a price. Italy is destined to count more and more Muslims among its citizens; Rome cannot afford apathy or, as my good friend and mentor Dr. Boaz Ganor once warned me, it might be already too late when we “wake up in a nightmare.”

The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT).

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Islamization Processes in Italy Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:00:48 +0000 This paper aims to analyze the process of radicalization among Muslims in the United States....

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Radicalization of Muslim communities in Italy is a phenomenon that must be addressed. Recent outburst of radical views of Islam, theoretical and logistical support for global jihad, and threat of terrorist attacks on the Italian soil raise issues of integration and peaceful coexistence. In order to avoid future prospects of cultural, social, and religious clashes, joint academics, officials, and policy makers must cooperate to face the growing radicalization of Muslim communities. This report has two main objectives. First, it offers a comprehensive vision of the Muslim community in Italy, both on demographic and representative levels. Second, it intends to show the real and concrete threat Muslim radicalization represents. 

Demographically, Muslims number between 1 and 1,200, 000 millions and represent 1.5% of the Italian population. Muslim presence in Italy is strictly related to global migration flows. Since the 90s, Muslim immigration has increased exponentially, currently representing onethird of total migration flow to Italy. Muslims’ geographical provenience is heterogeneous, as it interests the whole Muslim world. Nevertheless, the majority of Muslims comes from Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt. Muslims are mainly concentrated in the more industrialized northern regions, such as Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Piemonte. Milan numbers the largest Muslim community in the country, followed by Turin. Age estimates suggest Muslims population to be young. The main sectors of occupation are catering, construction, manufacturing, and import-export. Finally, the great majority of Muslims is Sunni, while only 2% is Shiite. Most Muslims share a traditional view of Islam, as sermons’ attendance amounts to 6-7% on a weekly base.

At the organizational level, Muslim representation is complex. Muslims in Italy are divided on cultural, political, and religious lines. Foreign states, mosques, and cultural organizations compete for their legacy and representation. The result is a myriad of organizations spread throughout the country. Such fragmentation affects Islam’s institutional representation and relation with the Italian State. Still in competition with each other, Islamic organizations are yet to reach an entente with the government. Nowadays, Muslims rely on 18 main organizations, 735 worship places, more than 100 mosques, 159 Islamic centers, 88 Koranic schools, countless websites, and 12 national channels available on satellite TV. The most important institutions are UCOII, the Islamic Cultural Institute of Viale Jenner, COREIS, the Islamic Cultural Center of Italy, the Muslim World League, the Al-Rahman Mosque, and the Great Mosque of Rome.

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